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Drywood Termites
There are several species of drywood termites throughout the US, but they share many of the same general characteristics. Drywwood termites are non0subterranaean and occur in many southern states. However, drywood termites are found almost anywhere in warm climates and due to socities transient nature, don’t count drywood termites out. Unlike subterranean termites that nest in soil or near a moisture sources, drywood termites infest dry wood and do not require contact with the soil. They can fly or swarm to new food sources without the aid of shelter tubes or mud tunnels. Signs of infestation by drywood termites and control measures differ drastically from those for subterranean termites.
Treatment of the soil under and around the structure will not protect a structure from drywood termites. Baiting stations will not protect a structure from drywood termites, unless the baiting systems are placed exactly where the termites are, and they experience bait acceptance. Signs of infestation include winged insects emerging in evenings and night attracted to lights or TV. Discarded wing accumulating around window sills or in spider webs. Wooden pellets much smaller than rice grains accumulating on floors or under furniture. The pellets are cream to reddish-brown or black and are 1-2 mm long and distinctively six sided with different colors. A sign of infestation is blister surfaces on wood. Sometimes drywood termites tunnel close to the surface giving the wood a blistered surface. Damage woods sound hollow. Tapping it with a screw driver for hollowness indicates tunnels just beneath the surface. Drywood termites will also infest parts of furniture. Removal of the item and separate treatment of the piece may be all that is necessary.