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Dampwood Termites

Area of distribution:

They typically infest damp and decaying timber. This species is commonly found in the pacific coast states, such as montana, Idaho, northern Nevada, Oregon, northern California, and Washington.

Identification of swarmers and soldiers:

They are generally much larger than subterannean termites. The swarmers may be 1 inch in length, including their wings. The soldiers have a large reddish-brown head and large multi-toothed mandibles. They are known to swarm to set up new nests during the year from January to October.

Identification of timber damage:
They do not create shelter tubes  as with subterannean termites. The appearance of timber damaged  can be varied  but they always eat across the grain. They make as series of chambers or galleries connected by tunnels whose walls are smooth as though they are finely sandpapered. There is no soil in the galleries, but if conditions are extremely damp, the fecal pellets will stick to the gallery walls and appear like soil.

Dampwood termites will only infest wood with a high moisture content. They are not subterranean termites  except for the desert dampwood termite. Dampwood termites do not require contact with damp ground with the except of the desert dampwood .

There is no worker caste and the nymphs perform all the tasks typically done by workers. The pellets are six sided and flattened and  colored according to the wood being eaten.

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